How do you grow garlic in pots or planters?

If you don’t have a garden and want to grow garlic in pots, it’s not complicated. To plant this seasoning, separate the head of garlic into individual cloves. Save the larger pods for planting and use the smaller ones for your next meal. Get a pot 30cm in diameter and 20cm deep, with drainage holes.

Now let’s get to work:
Press each pod into the soil with your finger, tip facing up, so that the base is about 3 inches below the soil surface. But remember that the soil will settle a little after watering.
Important point: Be sure to space your pods about 3 to 4 inches apart, especially avoid squeezing them together. Because, to form large buds, they need space.
Once the pods are planted, water them and place a layer of mulch (1 to 2 inches thick) over the pot. This layer is used to insulate the bulbs, especially in winter.
For proper growth, make sure the soil is rich, well-drained and well exposed to light. But, in order for them to grow in excellent conditions, the best time for planting is autumn. Bulbs bloom best in cool temperatures.
Caution: It is essential to keep the jar sufficiently moist throughout the life of the garlic. Yes, as you can see, it should be watered frequently for the next 8-9 months, even during the cold months.
Once you get used to growing garlic in pots, you will understand that lack of water is the main culprit in the death of the bulbs.

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