Wrap potatoes in tin foil and put in crock pot. Enjoy this lip-smacking result

Tired of the inconsistency of microwave-baked potatoes? It’s time to bring in the slow cooker. Using a slow cooker not only ensures even cooking but also infuses the potatoes with rich flavors. Dive into a perfectly baked potato, full of aroma and taste, every single time with this method.

Potatoes (as many as you want)
Olive oil
Aluminum foil
A fork
Preparation: Start by cleaning the potatoes thoroughly and pat them dry. Make sure to remove any eyes or unwanted spots.
Piercing: Use a fork to create several puncture holes around each potato. This helps in even cooking and prevents the potatoes from bursting.
Seasoning: Drizzle a modest amount of olive oil over each potato, ensuring an even coat. Follow this up with a sprinkle of salt, adjusting to your taste.