Distinguish real rice from plastic rice: a guide for consumers

The concern about potentially fake or rice contaminated with plastic has increased in recent years. Consumers want to ensure that the rice they buy and consume is of the highest quality. Here are some tips on how to distinguish real rice from plastic rice.

1. Optical exam:
Visual inspection is often the first step in checking rice.

Color and consistency:
Real rice has a natural color that can vary depending on the variety from white to beige to brown. Plastic rice can have an unnatural color or consistency. Pay attention to irregularities.
Grain size and shape:
Real rice usually has a uniform grain size and a characteristic shape. Plastic rice can have unusual sizes or shapes that do not correspond to the usual rice grain.
2. Water sample:
A simple water test can also provide information about the authenticity of the rice.

Behavior when cooking:
Real rice behaves in a predictable way when cooking. Plastic rice can behave differently, for example by becoming sticky or sticky and may smell unpleasant.
Water clouding:
When cooking plastic rice, the water can become cloudy or milky. This can be an indication of plastic particles in the rice.
3. Refligence test:
The smell of the rice can also indicate irregularities.