The Cardiologists’ Diet, Number 1 in the World! Lose at Least 10 Kilograms in Record Time

You are in a constant battle with excess weight, yet you can’t seem to lose weight, and what’s more, you’ve also encountered health issues.

You must know that diets endanger the proper functioning of the body and can even weaken the heart, say nutritionists. What you need to do is to follow the advice of specialists precisely.

The diet below is recommended by several cardiologists and is based on food combinations meant to reduce weight while keeping the heart strong.

Here is the menu for each day to lose at least 10 kilograms in just one week:


Breakfast: green fruit juice or ginger tea infusion. Lunch: A boiled egg with broccoli or a yogurt with fruit. You must eat a fruit 30 minutes after you’ve had proteins with vegetables. Dinner: Tomato salad with boiled tomatoes and a little chili.

DAY 2:

Breakfast: nettle tea Lunch: Two boiled eggs with cheese and cucumbers (maximum 250 grams in total) Dinner: 125 grams of beef on a hot plate, a tomato, and a slice of whole wheat bread

DAY 3: