Super delicious homemade onion tart

The homemade onion tart is delicious and this time we're doing it differently. We will form a kind of “basic dough” from mashed potatoes and add onions to the filling, we will also add some delicious mushrooms.

Onions and mushrooms are the perfect combination for this cake. Mushrooms are unique, they are a combination of taste, texture and nutritional value. Their earthy, almost nutty taste, combined with their meaty texture, makes them absolutely irresistible. Additionally, their health benefits make them even more appetizing.

This is a delicious and healthy cake that is also very easy to prepare. In addition, this recipe is very versatile since we can change some ingredients to get other variants. That's what cooking is all about, inventing and trying out new flavors. Don't stop there!

How to make homemade onion cake

To prepare this delicious homemade onion tart we will need:


For the cake base

-500 g potatoes

-30g butter

-50 ml milk

-1 egg


-150 gr. of flour Click on the photo for the rest of the recipe