Lemon muffins: the recipe for soft and fragrant glazed cakes

Organic lemons
powdered sugar
150 gr
00 flour
130 gr
Strength says more
50 gr
Seed oil
Baking powder for cakes
8 gr
for the lemon glaze
powdered sugar
80 gr
lemon juice
3 tbsp
in conclusion
Organic lemon
fresh mint leaves
Lemon muffins are the fresh and aromatic version of the classic American muffins. These are delicious lemon candies made from organic citrus juice and peel, ideal for breakfast on the table or as a snack for a special break in the company of friends.
To prepare them, just follow the traditional procedure and pour the specified ingredients along with eggs, milk and seed oil in a bowl where you have mixed the powders i.e. H. Flour, cornstarch, granulated sugar and yeast. Once ready, you just have to spread the creamy and homogeneous mixture in a special mold lined with paper cups and then bake everything in the static oven at 180ºC for about 20 minutes, or until you get soft and creamy cakes. fragrant.