12 Common Insect Bites and How to Recognize Each One

Summer is the season of relaxation, and long days spent under the sun, but it is also the season when insects are legion, and poison our lives with their sometimes inevitable bites.

Some of these stings are more dangerous than others. This is why you need to be able to detect the type of bites you are not suffering from in order to know the actions to follow.

Certain insects can inflict very dangerous bites that can cause serious dysfunctions, and sometimes even be life-threatening.

This is why you need to be able to detect the type of bites you are suffering from in order to determine the level of severity of your bite, and to avoid all possible complications. In this article, we will present to you the 12 most common insect bites.

1- Ticks:
The tick has a hook that allows it to stay stuck to the skin of its victims in order to feed on their blood.

When you are bitten by a tick or “wood lice”, you will not feel it right away! You have to wait a few hours before you can feel itching and swelling of the skin.

A tick bite is characterized by redness that gradually spreads around a black or red spot.

If you are bitten by a tick, remove it as quickly as possible using tweezers, and disinfect the affected area, before consulting your pharmacist or doctor.

2- Mosquitoes:
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