Slow Cooker Fudge Recipes

Slow Cooker Fudge Recipes. Fudge the kids and I have recently made…
Recipes on each photo description. Hope you all enjoy them.
Food colouring- Dr Oetker
Icing sugar is from a company called sugar and crumbs (I use it alot in cheesecakes so wanted to experiment with the fudge) you can obviously just use normal icing sugar.

500g of cheap white chocolate
1 can of Condensed milk
125g icing sugar
Food colouring & flavouring


Chocolate & milk in slow cooker on low lid off stirring every 10-15 mins for 90 minutes once melted sift in the icing sugar then beat really well once the minutes is up add your flavouring (we did strawberry) seperate between 4 bowls (we weighed each bowl to make sure they all weighed roughly the same) add your food colouring to each bowl, pour your 1st layer into your lined tin and then wait about 5 minutes or so before adding the next and so on. (keep stirring the ones in the bowls as they’ll set quickly because of the icing sugar) leave to set for a minimum of 5 hours.

