Honey Blueberry Yogurt Custard Tart

Simple, easy, sweet tart dessert recipe perfect for the summertime! Filled with ripe blueberries, a drizzle of honey, and topped with fresh thyme.

1 ¾ cups flour
¾ teaspoons sea salt
1 ½ teaspoon sugar
½ cup butter, chilled and cubed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup + 2 tablespoons cup cold water
2 ½ cups blueberries + few extra to top
1 cup whole milk honey yogurt*
2 eggs
3 tablespoons sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla paste
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Honey for drizzling, fresh thyme for garnish
Preheat the oven to 375˚F.
Prepare the crust: In a large mixing bowl, mix together the flour, sugar and salt until fully combined.
Add the cubed butter, and using either a pastry blender or two forks, cut the butter into the mixture until the pieces are around the size of a pea.
Pour in the vanilla extract and the water. Stir until the dough clumps together.
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